Pharmacovigilance is the science to understand and assess any possible medicine related problems which may occur with consumption/applications.
JBCPL, as a responsible marketer for its pharmaceutical products has designed a robust system for complaint handling, integrating it with the quality system, and manage the complaints swiftly and effectively in accordance with the guidelines.
Adverse Event / Side Effects Reporting
We at JBCPL, understand the need and importance of monitoring drug safety. We strive to ensure safe and rational use of medicines. For reporting of adverse events associated with JBCPL medicine(s), please read below:

Who can report:
- Anyone
What to report:
- All types of adverse events (Side effects occurring after administration of drug)
- Other scenario/situations (even if not associated with adverse event)
- Overdose
- Accidental use/medication errors
- Abuse and misuse
- Use of drug during pregnancy/breast feeding
- Paternal exposure
- Drug interactions
- Occupational exposure
- Lack of efficacy
- Unexpected therapeutic or clinical benefit
- Use of drug in unapproved indication

Where to report:
J. B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd,
Medical Department, Cnergy IT Park, Unit A2, 3rd floor,
Appa Saheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025.
Tel: 91-22-24395200 / 24395500 (Mon to Fri; 09.00am to 06.00pm)
OR’ alternatively e-mail us at:
For sending us the detailed information, please download the form and
post it to the address provided above or mail the scanned copy of
the form to e-mail id provided above.
Report even if:
- You’re not certain the product caused adverse reaction
- You don’t have all the details
For detailed reporting:
All the information you share with us will be protected and kept confidential under the applicable laws. The information provided will be used for the purpose of drug safety surveillance and it may be shared with respective health authorities as mandated. Submission of a report does not constitute an admission that medical personnel or manufacturer or the product caused or contributed to the reaction.
If you wish to report any suspected adverse drug reaction then you can contact
Dr. Ameya Satam
Pharmacovigilance Officer In-charge (PvOI)